Evarts Capital
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Signature Transactions

Evarts Capital, Inc.
2000 Auburn Drive, Suite 300
Cleveland, OH 44122
P 216 839 5122
F 216 839 5101
C 216 533 7651

Signature Transactions

Ken- Mac Metals, Inc.

FMC Corporation

Astro Metallurgical

Charterhouse International

Midland Ross Corp.

Midland Steel Products, Inc.

Carlon Products Co.

The following have been selected from hundreds of transactions

Ken- Mac Metals, Inc. A private metals Distribution Company acquired by a former operating executive whom Evarts was assisting in identifying targets of opportunity. The company had sales in the $15 million range, growing and profitable .He acquired the company using ABL financing, and SBIC subordinated debt together with his own funds. As a result of good management and excellent direction he sold the company fifteen years later to Thyssen Steel for a very large gain.


Press Releases

 Covington Who's Who Selects G. William Evarts as an Executive of the Year Member of the Executive and Professional Registry